Protective screen for children
Published on 21.03.2023
The Kinderschutzbund (Child Protection Association in Germany) and the specialist umbrella brand FARE presented the new joint campaign #SCHUTZschirmfürKINDER (Protective screen for children) to the public at the Haptica live in Bonn. The goal of the campaign is to support the vital work done by the Kinderschutzbund, which, with over 400 local branches all over Germany, is an advocate for children and families.
The work by Kinderschutzbund (Child Protection Association in Germany) has become more important than ever since the COVID-19 crisis that further aggravated the situation of many children and young adults. Any company ordering at least 96 printed FARE umbrellas and making a minimum donation of 100 euros can take part in the #SCHUTZschirmfürKINDER campaign. Larger donations are possible and, it goes without saying, are most gratefully received, according to information from FARE. Each euro donated will go directly to the Kinderschutzbund. What is more, FARE will provide at its own cost the hangtags with the campaign label for all umbrellas ordered and will also print the tie wraps with the campaign logo upon request.
Companies using this promotional product will be prominently demonstrating their social responsibility in this way and the umbrellas will be emotionally charged. “And most important of all: this provides practical support for the Kinderschutzbund’s day-to-day work, thus helping to put some joy into the lives of numerous children. What is more, awareness of the Kinderschutzbund is raised among many companies and end consumers via the campaign itself and in particular using the campaign logo on the umbrellas. It is our hope that this will encourage many further donations, lend impetus to the start of collaborative projects between distributors or companies with their local association and perhaps even motivate people to get involved personally” remarked FARE’s marketing director Volker Griesel.
All companies taking part will receive a digital donation certificate that they can use on their website and social media channels, for example. to show their commitment to a better society for children. FARE is making a package of different texts and /images for communications available at no cost. Companies have access to this without charge. The goal here too is: spreading the campaign message as widely as possible in order to gain a maximum of new supporters for the Kinderschutzbund. When it comes to distributors of promotional products, the campaign presents an opportunity for them to offer their customers both a clearly understandable measure with lasting impact and a means of putting it into action at the same time . The biggest winners are of course the children.
The use of more eco-friendly materials and production methods that need less resources has long been a given at FARE. The waterSAVE dyeing process for the canopy that saves around six litres of water per umbrella is an example of this as is the carbon neutrality of both the firm, achieved in 2021, and the ÖkoBrella [eco brolly) series of umbrellas, achieved in 2022. This collaboration with the Kinderschutzbund demonstrates the logical continuation of this policy, said Managing Director Volker Griesel: “Acting sustainably is good for the environment. And what’s good for the environment, preserves it for generations to come – for the children of today.”
Photo: Official launch of the #SCHUTZschirmfürKINDER joint campaign by the Kinderschutzbund and FARE, the specialist umbrella brand at the Haptica live in Bonn (from left): Dominik Dell (FARE Key Account), Ellen Heimes (Head of Kinderschutzbund Ortsverband Bonn e. V.), Günter Schmidt (Head of Sales, FARE). Photo: Christiane Seipp, FARE