Young promotional product professionals take off
Published on 30.05.2023
The German Promotional Products Association (GWW) is sending clear signals for the future: with a great deal of motivation and enthusiasm, the “Young Professionals” set out in mid-May to connect young, dedicated people from the promotional products industry, while giving a fresh impetus to the industry.
We wish to offer the young generation within the GWW a platform for exchange, to share knowledge and to make the industry as a whole more attractive for young people“, says Timon Feld, managing director of PERFECT GIVINGS GmbH, while summarising the goal of the young group in one sentence. Together with Moritz Schülbe (deputy managing director of Schuelbe Promotion Service GmbH), Linus Böll (authorised representative of TROIKA Germany GmbH), Natalie Grube (key account manager at Present Perfect Marketing GmbH) and Steffen Fischer (senior account manager of W+S Werbeservice GmbH), Timon Feld founded the Young Professionals at the beginning of this year. Ten members were already present at the kick-off meeting in mid-May in Frankfurt. They are all highly motivated to advance the promotional products industry with new impetuses.
Transfer of knowledge and exchange of experiences
The main emphasis is placed on networking and further training. “We would like to set up an academy and offer regular training courses“, explains Moritz Schülbe. The transfer of knowledge from the younger to the older generation is a declared goal in this process. Timon Feld adds: “We would be happy if we could win experienced colleagues from the ranks of the GWW members for seminars, workshops or company tours”. This year mainly online events are planned. On-site training courses are to follow in 2024.
Training courses and events
The working group Training & Events will take care of the organisation of the events. In addition to Linus Böll, Natalie Grube and Steffen Fischer, Benjamin Langenberg (managing director of WIL Langenberg GmbH) and Raphael Wagner (sales department of Kalfany Süße Werbung GmbH & Co. KG) belong to the team. Their future tasks also include planning events and networking meetings. “Such events could take place as part of industry trade shows, for example. In the beginning, it is important for us to set up a network“, says Moritz Schülbe, while Natalie Grube adds: “The Young Professionals offer an outstanding opportunity to make contacts and exchange ideas with like-minded people with similar professional interests and ambitions.”
Increasing the radiance of the industry
The theme of the second Young Professionals working group is communication. In addition to Moritz Schülbe and Timon Feld, Anna Purtseladze (marketing manager at Goldstar Europe), Britta Unterreitmeier (manager of online marketing at werbemax GmbH) and Elvir Rizvic (sales director at Quatron Design GmbH & Burger Swiss Pen) are also involved. The working group for communication has set the aim of spreading awareness of the tasks, projects and goals of the Young Professionals through all communication channels – analogously and digitally as well as internally and externally. “Of course, we would like to share our work with the outside world and thus also support the political activities of the GWW. By doing so, we ultimately also contribute to the radiance of the association”, says Moritz Schülbe.
Promoting young talents in the promotional products industry
And where do you see the Young Professionals in five years? “By then we wish to regularly hold training courses to promote dedicated young talents in the promotional products industry and thus create an added value for our members. We hope to acquire many new members, who want to be part of our network“, says Timon Feld. “And we are committed to growing the GWW. We would like to help make people more familiar with the promotional products industry. It would be great if we could motivate creative young people to choose a job in a promotional products agency.”
Contact now
At the moment, eleven young promotional products specialists are involved with the Young Professionals. Anyone interested in also becoming involved is welcome to contact the organisation team at “We are delighted about every colleague who would like to become involved“, stresses Timon Feld. Up-and-coming employees or managing directors of a company in the promotional products industry may participate. The companies must be members of the GWW.