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European associations join forces in the EAC

Redaktion PSI Journal

Published on 27.05.2024

In the week after Whitsun, several European associations and the American industry association Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) met in Stockholm, Sweden, with the aim of further advancing the promotional products industry. According to a press release, representatives from the ten participating EU countries agreed to establish the ‘European Association Cooperation’ (EAC) in order to better coordinate efforts within the industry and tackle common challenges. PSI Director Petra Lassahn also took part in the meeting as a representative of the European promotional products network, which has 5,000 international member companies.

According to the announcement, the aim of the EAC is to promote cooperation across Europe in order to maximise the value of the promotional products industry in each country: “Despite many common challenges, the promotional products industry in Europe has traditionally worked on a country-by-country basis. The formation of the EAC is a crucial step towards a more harmonised approach where common problem solving will improve industry standards and practices across the continent.”

Focus on sustainability and compliance

Two of the main issues the EAC is addressing are sustainability and compliance, critical issues facing the promotional products market in the EU. “The EAC is committed to taking a leadership role and setting standards that promote sustainable practices across the industry,” it continues. A number of other important topics were also on the agenda of the meeting, including the formalisation of the EAC as an organisation. The newly established legal entity, called the Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif (AISBL), will be based in Brussels, Belgium.

Over the course of the two days, participants engaged in productive discussions and strategic planning sessions. In the evenings, the group explored the cultural and historical sights of Stockholm, fostering a sense of community and mutual understanding. “This collaboration represents an important milestone in the promotional products industry and promises to improve co-operation, drive innovation and set higher standards across Europe,” the meeting concluded.

Countries represented in the EAC:
Austria – Belgium – France – Germany – Italy – Italy  – Netherlands – Poland – Spain/ Portugal – Sweden – United Kingdom – United States (unofficial and not official member of the EAC)

About EAC

The EAC (European Associations Cooperation) is a newly established industry organisation for cooperation between the many different national trade associations in Europe. The aim of the EAC is to raise the profile of the promotional products and textile industry at European level through the exchange of best practice between member countries.

Picture: Group photo with the participants of the EAC meeting in Stockholm.