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New EU Product Safety Regulation: Here’s What the Industry Needs to Know

Redaktion PSI Journal

Published on 30.07.2024

The new EU Product Safety Regulation will apply definitively from 13 December 2024. Companies will have to adjust to considerable changes and significant innovations in EU product safety law concerning the distribution of consumer products. The directive promises simplification in terms of abolishing red tape. At the same time, however, the task area and field of responsible addressees have been considerably widened. What does it mean, concretely, for the promotional products business? What changes are coming the way of companies in the industry?

In his talk, “The new EU Product Safety Regulation GPSR 2023/988”, at PSI 2024, Lutz Gathmann, a product designer and product safety expert, explained the best way for manufacturers, importers and distributors to get prepared. All who missed the talk at PSI 2024 or would like to take another look at it can retrieve the video (like all other talks from the PSI forum too) here.