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BAPP donates 6.000 surgical masks to belgian organizations in need

Redaktion PSI Journal

Published on 21.04.2020

In this unseen crisis, the Belgian Association of Promotional Products BAPP has made a gesture of solidarity by donating 6.000 chirurgical face masks to various health organizations throughout Belgium. “We tried to make a modest contribution to this health crisis by ordering and offering those face masks to professional health care people who badly need them for their daily risky job”, states Michel Deboudt, BAPP chairman. “As a national association, we obviously covered all 3 regions in Belgium (Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels). The most difficult was to ensure we received face masks in time meeting all necessary safety standards.”

Recently, 2.000 masks were handed over to the non-profit organization CSD in Brussels, which takes care of patients and elderly people in their homes. In Wallonia, 2.000 other masks were handed over to CIFI (Wallonia Association of Independent Nurses). For Flanders, 2.000 masks were given to the organization “Kind en Gezin”, the Flemish Agency for Early Childhood.

BAPP counts 160 member distributors and suppliers in the advertising specialty business accounting for some 3.000 jobs and approximate turnover of 360 million Euro.