Business hygiene of the future
Published on 19.08.2020
“2021 will be the year of safety”: With these words Thomas Heinz, Managing Director of Benefits4you GmbH, introduced the PSI online seminar on 12 August 2020 on the topic of “Hygiene of the future – sustainable integration into everyday life”. The company specialises in solutions for hygiene and its sustainable integration into everyday life and advises companies to educate their employees and customers so that business can continue despite the pandemic. After all, companies in particular have a duty to develop protection concepts, train their employees accordingly and communicate their measures to the outside world in order to create a feeling of security among customers.
During the online seminar, Thomas Heinz also emphasized how important it is to counter people’s various fears, i.e. the fear of a renewed lockdown or further restrictions, the fear of returning from the home office to the office or even existential fears about the future. You can encounter these on different levels.
White facemasks signal more cleanliness
For example, he recommends that by wearing white facemasks, observing distance rules, dispensing with the welcoming handshake or using appropriately equipped premises, the company should visibly signal to the outside world that it is concerned with hygiene and safety issues. This can be reinforced by appealing to the senses in particular through visual, haptic and olfactory cleanliness.
In order to avoid resignation, it is also important to regularly inform and motivate employees about the company’s safety standards. For example, every employee should know the hygiene regulations of his employer. Posters can be a helpful tool for this.
Can hygiene be a competitive advantage?
Even if measures such as spit protection walls, masks and the careful cleaning of rooms and surfaces involve additional costs and effort, Thomas Heinz advises not to economize at this point. After all, companies are dependent on the health of their employees as well as on the well-being of their customers. Hygiene is therefore also a competitive advantage.
Confidence in the company can also be built up through in-house products, as demonstrated by the example of the biological disinfection spray “3ATHLET” or the air purifier “3AIR HYGIENICS”. Benefits4you now counts Co Working Spaces and doctors’ rooms among its customers, as the products are not only certified but also meet the highest hygiene requirements.
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