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Creating community through corporate fashion

Redaktion PSI Journal

Published on 28.08.2023

The company Klam, which is based in Lichtenstein at the foot of the Swabian Alb, is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year. The main focus of the company established by managing director Maic Klam is corporate fashion with the segments embroidery, design, printing and sewing. Hand and hand with its customers, it designs high-quality, custom-made clothing, which creates a sense of community. 

In today’s fast-paced business world, innovation is a key to success. Maic Klam, founder, managing director and owner of Klam Textiles Marketing & Embroidery, is an entrepreneur, who embodies this philosophy. Klam is firmly convinced that innovation is not only necessary to survive in a highly competitive market, but also to seize new opportunities and secure long-term growth. Based on these values, he and his team of many creative minds in Lichtenstein at the foot of the Swabian Alb have set up an up-and-coming company in the past three and a half decades, which has dedicated itself and its energy entirely to corporate fashion.

“Thanks to our many years of experience in finishing premium work wear and designing corporate fashion special productions, we know what our customers expect from us and our passion is to offer everyone the best service. Our values and standards therefore have been to guarantee the highest quality in individual textiles based on our established traditions and thus to ensure the satisfaction of our customers”, says Maic Klam with regard to his company’s credo. Klam’s aim is to create corporate fashion, which truly speaks the customer’s language and represents him or her individually and with high quality.

(We will be presenting the embroidery specialist in detail in the PSI Journal in one of the next issues.)