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Exclusively for PSI members: The PSI Industry Barometer 1/2024 to download

Redaktion PSI Journal

Published on 30.07.2024

In order to make responsible decisions, you need to be informed about what is going on in the market. Economic prospects, company structures, sales markets, and revenue drivers: with the latest edition of our PSI Industry Barometer, we provide you with exclusive and valuable market data on sales trends, certification measures, sustainability, distribution channels, order volumes and product segments. It can be downloaded now as a pdf in the MYPSI DOWNLOAD CENTER.

Since 2015, our Industry Barometer has been one of the most comprehensive market studies of the European Promotional Products Industry. In this issue, you can expect a detailed picture of the mood with current market analyses from 2023 as well as trends and forecasts. What changes has the global Promotional Products Industry experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic, supply and resource bottlenecks and shifts in demand?

This issue sheds light on how the industry has responded to these challenges, which strategies have been particularly successful and how optimistic industry players are about the current 2024 financial year.