Tools that help
Published on 22.10.2024
A charity project achieves success: Six selected families in El Laurel, a rural community in Canton Daule in the Ecuadorian province of Guayas, could move into their new homes. These homes were built with the material and financial help of the tool manufacturers Bessey, Halder, Knipex, Parat and Stabila as part of the manufacturers’ collaboration with the Ecuadorian association El Laurociation el e.V. and foundation Fundación Hermano Miguel.
The renowned tool manufacturers got together to support the house building project together, named the collaboration United by Tools – Helping Hands and German Tool Brands and jointly developed logo. Their assistance covered the equipment needed for the construction, which was sourced from the manufacturers’ product ranges, and direct financial assistance towards the building costs of the homes.
The workers on-site were equipped with hammers, clamps, pliers, levelling instruments and tool boxes so they could quickly undertake the required survey work with precision. After the prefabricated parts of the homes were delivered, the construction and installation of the electrical and plumbing fixtures could finally start. After just a few weeks, most of the homes were standing and the construction was completed after only three months. The selected building method offered the advantage of being able to use renewable raw materials, enabled quick assembly and allowed the builders on site to do a lot of the work themselves.

Like in many other South American countries, the economic inequality in Ecuador continues to be widespread despite undergoing a slow economic recovery, and many families are not sharing in the recovery. Many families have very low incomes since parents usually are agricultural day labourers and their wages depend significantly on the rice harvest. In winter, leaking roofs, humid walls and damaged floors make the living conditions even worse for many people. Often, the only remedy is to demolish and rebuild a new building. This is where the project sponsored by the five tool manufacturers wants to help by giving these families direct support and new perspectives in their lives. The El Laurel district covers a130 km² area, encompassing 31 villages, and has a population of around 20,000.
The Fundación Hermano Miguel foundation is committed to improving local infrastructure and developing education; for example, it has constructed a hospital ward, school and orphanage and offers individual support to families in need. The positive feedback from Ecuador after the six families moved into their new house and received their ownership certificate shows just how important the project was for the region and the families. ‘You have all contributed to ensuring that six families can begin a new life in dignity and without fear!’, states Fundación Hermano Miguel. The tools sent for the project will, of course, remain in the community so that they can be put to good use in future projects.
Picture above: Volunteers building the homes after the timely delivery of the construction parts. The building method chosen made it possible to use renewable raw materials. Photos: Fundación Hermano Miguel