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Sustainability, inclusion and collaboration

Redaktion PSI Journal

Published on 12.07.2024

In June 2024, Mister Bags GmbH organised a special “Cooperation Day” and invited the employees of the GSE Inclusion Workshop, who sew the company’s sustainable Ludwig cotton bag “with a lot of love and dedication”, to an unforgettable day at their company site in Essen.

After a warm welcome from the company’s General Manager, Peter Backes, and a tour of the office and warehouse facilities, guests received comprehensive insights into the product range and other manufacturing processes. “The visitors’ enthusiasm and curiosity was clearly noticeable and many questions could be answered,” reports Peter Backes.

A special highlight of the day was the visit to the company’s own GOTS-certified print shop. Here, GSE employees were able to print their own ‘Ludwig’ bag with a motif specially designed for the day. “It was great to see the joy with which they further embellished the bags they themselves had sewn. You could feel their enthusiasm. After these exciting impressions, all the GSE employees were allowed to take their self-printed bags home with them,” Backes continued.

“Involving the employees of the GSE Inclusion Workshop in our day-to-day work at Mister Bags is not only an enrichment for us, but also a strong sign of active inclusion. The encounters and discussions emphasised how important and valuable cooperation and mutual understanding are. It was moving to see how people with different abilities and backgrounds pull together and support each other,” explains Backes.

The Cooperation Day concluded with a relaxed get-together over coffee and cake in the Mister Bags office. “The warm and open atmosphere showed once again how valuable active inclusion is for everyone involved. It was moving to see how much this day meant to both our guests and our employees. This Cooperation Day was more than just a meeting. It was a symbol of the shared appreciation we feel for the work and the people behind our products. We at Mister Bags are proud to be part of this inclusive and heartfelt cooperation and look forward to many more joint projects. We would like to thank the GSE Inclusion Workshop for their support and look forward to continuing our collaboration,” summarises Peter Backes.

Photo: The employees of the GSE Inclusion Workshop experienced an impressive “Cooperation Day” at the Mister Bags company site in Essen. Image source: Mister Bags GmbH