PSF and TOUCH 2022: Record attendance at the double event
Published on 06.10.2022
The Swiss promotional products industry is breathing a sigh of relief: after a break of more than two years due to the pandemic, PromoSwiss, the Swiss trade association, was able to relaunch its double trade fair, the PSF (PromoSwiss Forum) and the TOUCH. Scheduled in the autumn for the first time, this double event attracted a record number of visitors.
The double trade fair of Swiss Promotional Products Association PromoSwiss, the PSF (PromoSwissForum) and the TOUCH (formerly Newsweek Switzerland) took place in the autumn for the first time this year. These events, like so many others, had to be cancelled in the last two years due to the Corona security conditions, and this new beginning experienced a highly gratifying attendance. The fair took place once again in the tried and true venue of the Umwelt Arena in Spreitenbach, near Zurich, on 21 and 22 September.
The first day of the fair was reserved for the PSF, to which, as usual, only trade visitors from the Swiss promotional products trade were admitted. Even here, the organisers tallied a very strong response: 120 people from 48 companies came to find out about the latest products and trends in the industry. PromoSwiss then invited visitors and exhibiting supplier partners to their traditional aperitif and gala dinner. PromoSwiss President Urs Germann took over the moderation of this exciting evening.
The TOUCH opened its doors at 10 a.m. the following day. Under this new name, it carries on the tradition of the former Newsweek Switzerland, a cooperation between PromoSwiss and the German GWW (Gesamtverband der Werbeartikel-Wirtschaft e.V.). The 10 sponsoring agencies had obviously prepared well, because right from the start, visitors were flocking to the 3,000 m² location. Around 70 exhibitors displayed their new products, innovations and trends. At noon, the association had already tallied 500 visitors to the exhibition hall, who could fortify themselves at a pasta buffet between talks with their advisors and the exhibitors. By the end of the fair, the number of visitors had risen to 800 admissions, which was a new record. According to PromoSwiss, however, it was not only the quantity but also the quality of the visitors that was highlighted by the exhibitors, who were lavish with praise for the venue and organisation.
On behalf of the association, PromoSwiss President Urs Germann then thanked the organisation team with Rebecca Zollinger, Ralf Schmid, René Dubach and Tom Oester, as well as the GWW, for all their cooperation and support. “The atmosphere during the event was great; people are clearly looking forward to the next one! The TOUCH will take place again next year. We’ll be announcing the date for 2023 as soon as possible,” Germann said in his wrap-up.