"Green" electricity for the machinery
Published on 16.09.2020
306 solar panels have been gracing the roof of the Klio-Eterna production halls since July 2020. Installed on a total area of 520 square metres, the modern solar modules should have a clearly positive influence on the energy footprint of the company in the future. “The electricity generated will mainly benefit our machinery and production. Any surplus energy stored, for example at weekends, will be fed into the Wolfach energy supply network. Since commissioning at the end of July, we have already been able to save 11 tonnes of CO2 with our solar panels,” explains Peter Richter, Technical Manager at the writing instrument manufacturer Klio-Eterna. “With this decision and our investment in the photovoltaic system, we have taken the next step towards climate-neutral production and CO2 reduction. In combination with the conversion from purely hydraulic to energy-efficient electric injection moulding machines, this has a very positive effect on our overall energy footprint and the associated CO2 emissions,” adds Managing Director Michael Gleich. www.klio.com
Photo: The new photovoltaic system supplies the electrical machinery with “green” electricity.